Byron Mason

Byron Mason
Click to visit my website!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Daniela and David - Holiday Portrait Session

Byron Mason Photography has begun it's Holiday Portrait Session Specials offering $250 sessions for up to 5 people. These sessions include all images both in print and web ready versions, a slideshow put to music of all your images, a private print gallery for ordering and print rights all delivered within one week of your session.
Here is an example of one such session... enjoy!

David and Daniela ...amazing.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

First Time User - Animoto

Well I just made my first full length Animoto video using photography from my recent wedding in Las Vegas and wow! Through some images at it, pick a song (any song you have) and BLAMMO! Animoto does the rest, shut it down, navigate away and they'll send you an email when it's ready. I just wish I had got into this sooner, this is going to be a great tool to use for the rest of my special events shoots. Anyways, I just thought I'd share my satisfaction with Animoto. Try it out for free here:

Animoto - The End of Slideshows

Friday, October 1, 2010

New Website is Live!

It's been a labor of love but version 1.0 of my new website is live... Check out my new website @ Las Vegas Photography!

Cashman Legacy

Seemed fitting that my last job as a full time Cashman Photographer was for Mr. Cashman himself. My legacy for Cashman photo ends with a photo for Cashman. Anyways, enough irony, here's the backyard.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blogs, Websites and Cold Calls... oh my!

No more full time job... sure miss those hours. Now my days (and nights) are spent trying to get my own company up and running. But I'm happy to say that my website (version 1.0) is live which was my major stressor for the last few days (and nights :). Please check it out and get back to me, I'm open to all your criticism... seriously. .
Also, my blog (yes this one) is now updated and more pictures will be added each day, especially once I get my iPhone linked up.
My other big task of the week is spreading the word about assisting. My goal to be Las Vegas' Premier Photographer's Assistant (yes, it's a mouthful) starts with cold call emails to every Las Vegas and beyond photographer I can find and think of. It's back to the books (and by that I mean local magazines) to find photo credits and track down the owners. So, if you've recently been published locally... I'm coming for you!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Byron Mason Photography is Open for Business

The wait is over, I'm freelance again! This time I'm hitting the industry with a whole bag full of new skills and competencies in weddings and other special events. Keep checking back because the website, blog and twitter are changing and being updated daily!